Collect images with speed

Using Eagle's powerful extension, you can save any image within a second.

Drag and drop

To collect pictures, just drag & drop it to your Eagle.

Alt + Right-click

Pressing alt key and right-click on any image to keep it!

Context Menu

Collect images using context menu.

Drag and drop
Alt + Right-click
Context Menu

Save piles of images at once

Too many pictures in a website that catches your eye? All you need to do is click!

Collect a bunch of images

Get the pass to easily save images within seconds.

Resolution filter

Filters the sizes you want before you save it.

Collect a bunch of images
Resolution filter

Capturing websites

The most simple way to take a screenshot of your current browser window.

Capturing the whole page

Capture your webpage with screenshots.

Capture selected area

Capture any part of the website and save it in Eagle.

Capture Fragment

Quickly select a screenshot area and save it as a image.

Capturing the whole page
Capture selected area
Capture Fragment

Download high-resolution images at ease

Just one-click we automatically download and convert your favorite image into high-resolution versions, simple as that!

Save pictures without limits

You can directly access those pictures of a site, such as Instagram, 500px, Flickr, etc., pictures be easily saved.

手动安装 Eagle 浏览器扩展

如果你无法透过谷歌扩展商店安装,你可以选择手动下载压缩包方式来安装,这篇教程适用于 Chrome、Edge、360、搜狗、百度浏览器。

步骤一、下载 crx 安装文件

点击下方按钮下载 zip 文件,等待下载完成后,将文件解压缩,取得 crx 安装文件。



点击 Chrome 浏览器右上角菜单栏,从“更多工具”中打开“扩展程序”,或在网址列输入:chrome://extensions/


注:Chrome 69 版本后,需要打开开发者模式才能够进行手动安装。

步骤四、拖拽 crx 文件进行安装

将刚才解压缩后的 crx 文件拖拽至“扩展程序”页面


