Changing Layouts


In the list mode, you can find and browse images quickly, to further enhance your browse experience, we have added options to change the image layout, they are: "Justified Layout", "Waterfall Layout", and "Grid Layout" respectively.

Justified Layout 

provides a rather neat display, and ensures that every image is not cropped. This Layout suits well for sorting and searching purposes, and this is also the one applied by other services, such as Google Search, 500px, Flickers.

Waterfall Layout

shines when more diversed images are in the play. For example, when you have long images, web page screenshots all in the screen, you can change the Layout according to your needs.

Grid Layout

similar to ones that are used in the good old File Manager, displays images in a fixed frame regardless of the images' aspect ratio, which could be helpful when you're quick searching or multi selecting.

List Layout

Primarily for viewing data, it allows for quick comparison and selection of files in the list, but is less suitable for previewing image content.


  • Justified Layout
    Visually neat with the aligned lines. Suitable when you're sorting, searching images.
  • Waterfall Layout
    The irregular arrangement can be kind of sore to the eyes when searching but would help when it comes to previewing tons of images with different shapes.
  • Grid Layout
    Displays assets with the same size, looks nice and neat but may overlook images detail. Can be useful when selecting, sorting images.
  • List Layout 
    Arranged in a vertical order, each item is clearly separated, suitable for reading related data or for scenarios where items are viewed in sequence.

Changing the Layout

A suitable layout will give you the utmost user experience and you could read this article to know change your layout of image list in Eagle: Interface - Image List

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