4. Browsing images

Hello, welcome to the fourth episode of the Eagle tutorial. Today, I'm going to introduce some tips for browsing the images you've collected in Eagle. These tips might come into handy when you try to track down the assets you're searching for.

Image list

Adjust the display size

You can find a slider in the toolbar. Drag it horizontally to adjust the display size of images. You can also hold the "Alt" key and use the scroll wheel to do so.

Change display layouts

Eagle provides several display layouts for users to choose. You can switch to the one that suits your needs or preferences. Right-click the blank space of the image list to switch between layouts. Or, you can also do it by pressing "alt" + 1, 2, or 3.

The following are the four types of display layouts you can choose in Eagle

  • Justified Layout

    This mode provides a neat display of images, which makes it easier to organize and search for the images you need.

  • Waterfall Layout

    This mode is suitable for browsing long images or images of variable sizes.

  • Grid Layout

    This mode displays images in fixed frames.

  • List Layout

    Display the files list and detailed information in the list

Show or hide the image information

In addition to adjusting the display layout, you can also choose to show or hide the image information. Again, right-click the blank space to open the drop-down list. In the "image info" part, you can check or uncheck the options for your needs. you can also uncheck "file extension", "name", and "Metadata" to hide them.

Show or hide Sidebar/Inspector

If you need a bigger space for browsing images, try hiding the sidebar and the inspector. Click the toggle on the upper left side. You can choose to show or hide the sidebar, the inspector, or both by pressing "Tab" .

Quick Preview

Sometimes you might just want to have a quick glance at images. Then you can press the spacebar to show the preview pane. Hit the left or right key to switch between images. Hit the spacebar again to close the preview pane.

Detail Mode

Double-click an image or press enter to open the detailed view mode.

Zoom, zoom to point and edit images

To zoom in or zoom out on images, drag the slider on above. You can also hit the display percentage, which shows a drop-down list for you to choose the predefined percentage.

On the right side of the slider, the "actual size" button and the "zoom to fit" button allows you to switch between sizes with just one click. You can also do so by right-clicking on the display percentage.

Sometimes, you might need to zoom in on a specific area of an image. Eagle can also do that! We provide a zoom to a point function just like Photoshop. Move your mouse cursor on the place where you want to see more details. Press "Alt" and use the scroll wheel to zoom in or zoom out. You can also drag and move the image with your mouse.

Information of image

Now, let's move on from the image list to the inspector on the right side. In the inspector, you can edit the properties of the selected image. You can change its title, add tags, notes or URLs, or just simply check the properties and basic information.

Thumbnail and Color swatches

On the top of the inspector is the thumbnail. Down below is a color swatch that shows the color analysis of the selected image. You can left-click the color swatch to copy color codes.

Click on the middle bar to add new tags. You can create any new tags you would like to add. Eagle also provides suggested or recently used tags for your reference. Tags with a "+" icon are not added yet. Click them to add tags within a sec. 


The bar under the tags bar allows you to add notes to the image.

If you want to put your comments at a certain spot on the image, click the pencil icon on the upper-right side, or press "C" to enter the comment mode. Then you can create a comment box on that spot to type words in. Click the pencil icon again, or press "P" to close the comment mode.


Down below the notes bar, there's a bar that shows the current categories of the image. You can edit the categories and put the image in different folders. With that being said, a single image can be in multiple folders, which saves you much storage space!

The bottom of the inspector shows the properties of the selected image. Here is a tip to facilitate your searching process. You can rate your images on a scale of 1 to 5 stars! 

With the functions we've gone through in this episode, you can classify your design assets more efficiently! Now, here's another thing to put in mind. Eagle's filter and search tool include all conditions you've ever added. By selecting these conditions, you may accelerate the image searching process, and find what you want in no time.

Congratulations! You've learned the tips for browsing images in Eagle. In the next episode, there will be more tips for browsing assets other than images.

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